Rat Control | Technokill Pest Solutions

Brown rats and Black rats are the most common rats in Britain.

The Brown Rat is the larger, often weighing over half a kilo and measuring about 23cm, without counting the tail. It has a blunt muzzle, small hair-covered ears, and a tail that is shorter than its body length. The Black Rat weighs only half as much and is slightly shorter. It has a pointed muzzle, large, almost hairless ears, a more slender body, and a long thin tail that is longer than its body.

The Brown Rat stays near ground level. The Black Rat occurs in seaport towns and is a more agile climber, often entering the upper floors of buildings. It is very easy to detect both species on the base of their different shaped droppings, footprints (The Brown rat is flat-footed, The Black rat runs on its toes), and regular “runs” to and from feeding areas. In towns, Brown Rats often live in sewers but in the countryside, there is a constant background population in fields and hedges.

Both species can produce 60-70 rats from one pair per year!
The young ones are born blind, helpless, and naked and depend on their mother for food for about three weeks before they are sufficiently developed to take solid food.

Rats, like mice, always gnaw to keep their constantly growing incisor teeth worn down. They damage woodwork, plastic, and lead pipes and will sometimes strip insulation from electrical cables by their gnawing a potential case of building fires.

Rats are also nocturnal and mostly feed at night.

They are also attracted to bird feed in the garden which is an easy food source for them.

Weil’s disease, murine typhus, rat-bite fever, trichinosis are the diseases they can cause. They contaminate more food than they consume and their urine can pollute stagnant water.

How We Can Help?

We can treat mice with anti-coagulant poisons that are put in tamper-proof boxes in areas out of children and pet’s reach. We also use traditional trapping systems.

Before Our Visit:

Do not leave any food particles in the kitchen.

Please keep the kitchen sink dry especially at night.

Please keep all fruits covered with a plastic sheet especially at night..

  • If you have poultry, put feed in poultry feeders and bring it in at night.
  • If you feed garden birds, use a bird table or feeder basket and bring it in at night.
  • Please keep clear access to the loft space.
  • Make your kitchen units as clear as you can to get easy access to where the mice are more active.
  • If the problem is in the bathroom, please ensure we can get access under your bath.

During Our Visit:

we collect dead mice if visible and accessible.

After Our Visit:

Cleaning up of all droppings is highly recommended after the visit so that you can know if the problem is – going.

If we can retrieve mice that have died then we will, but sometimes this is not possible.

  • We may need you to eliminate harbourage areas for us such as gaps under sheds, loose piles of wood, or neglected weed patches.
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